fbpixel Bumble Anti-Cyberflashing - MG Empower
Bumble Anti-Cyberflashing Bumble Anti-Cyberflashing
Bumble Anti-Cyberflashing
#DontBeAD*ck #DontBeAD*ck #DontBeAD*ck #DontBeAD*ck

Helping Bumble spread awareness of the cyberflashing issue to change the minds of UK policymakers.

In 2023, Bumble UK has been campaigning alongside UN Women and Grazia UK for the creation of a new anti-cyberflashing law that’s based on consent – because the current Online Safety Bill isn’t doing enough. So, leveraging the core message ‘Don’t be a d*ck’, we worked with a team of powerful women on Instagram to share their stories, discuss the problem, and get as many people as possible to sign the pledge. For women, for everyone, everywhere.

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Bumble has been raising awareness about the prevalence of cyberflashing and campaigning to criminalise it since November 2021.

While initially successful, in early 2023 Bumble UK relaunched the campaign due to a loophole in the Online Safety Bill that would allow men to get away with it by simply claiming their unsolicited nudes were a joke. Their stance on this is clear: it’s simply not enough.



Make a complex socio-political conversation digestible so people sign the pledge.

The brief was to drive as many people as possible to Bumble’s pledge page, to ensure the fight for justice wouldn’t fall at the last hurdle. But to do this, we needed to find a way to convey the urgency and complexity of this ongoing legal battle without losing people’s attention.


Work with the right influencers to frame the issue and compel Instagram users into action.

For such an important and sensitive issue, we recognised the need to grow good relationships based on absolute transparency. So we procured a team of female influencers with authority in the conversation about online safety, some of whom had been part of Bumble’s first anti-cyberflashing campaign – leveraging existing relationships with the brand and the subject to ensure the delivery of the message was authentic and on point.


Combine powerful storytelling with smart amplification for maximum impact.

Then, following a series of important conversations, we asked those influencers to create Instagram Stories, weaving the intrigue-driving hook ‘Don’t be a d*ck’ with their own perspectives to propel the movement in ways that resonated with them. We also amplified some of the influencers’ content in order to extend the campaign’s reach for maximum impact.

The influencers sparked a movement, over-delivering on all targets to drive real-world change.

All the influencers were incredibly animated and compellingly personal in their Stories content. And in terms of their effectiveness, the numbers speak for themselves. Thanks to the combination of powerful storytelling and smart amplification, we generated 397% more clicks than our target and a 328% higher CTR. Earned media was also high, demonstrating how deeply the influencers connected with the message. They got it, they felt part of it, and the impact was bigger as a result.





When you amplify mid-to-micro influencers, you extend and empower them to affect a wider conversation.

From Eva, one of our fantastic participants: “I had various conversations with colleagues and friends after I posted my Bumble campaign posts. Many of them let me know that they also saw the boosted post. I think this has opened up a wider conversation surrounding experiences we had as teenagers, receiving these explicit unwarranted images on the internet.”

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