fbpixel River Island's Social Media Strategy
River Island’s Social Media Strategy. River Island’s Social Media Strategy.
River Island's Social Media Strategy.
#RiverIsland #ImWearingRI #RiverIsland #ImWearingRI #RiverIsland #ImWearingRI #RiverIsland #ImWearingRI

Global strategy and creative.
Content production and reporting.
End-to-end campaign management.
Content amplification.

#RiverIsland #ImWearingRI

Enhancing River Island’s digital presence through a bespoke social media strategy.

River Island aimed to evolve its digital content strategy towards becoming more entertaining, engaging and inspiring. To make it happen, our integrated teams crafted a full audio-visual and social media strategy focused on positioning the brand as a fashion authority and “the life and soul of the high street”. The content built around different narratives supported this objective, nurturing the relationship with their loyal fan base while amplifying reach by connecting trends to their unique portfolio.

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REACH (in 1 month)
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ENGAGEMENTS (in 1 month)
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67 K

Supercharge River Island social channels and build up on the positive perception.

Our experts were challenged to ideate and activate a full social media strategy for River Island to revamp their presence on Instagram. Beyond reinforcing the branding values and boosting consideration as a top of mind of fashion lovers, the brand also wanted to champion relevance by highlighting their key differentiators – pushing for inspirational and aspirational responses. In addition to that, growth and engagement in the platform were among the KPIs.

A sharp content strategy to effectively address the brand’s key goals.

Our audio-visual, social media and creative experts established a smart content planning – including development, direction and production of several visual assets. Across the platform, pieces were designed to be relatable, authentic and aligned with the brand’s key values through three narrative pillars: Heritage&Nostalgia, Created by Us and Trending Now. Framed within the purpose of inspiring, educating and entertaining fans and new customers, the strategy was activated around an assertive content flywheel – also incorporating creative technologies to immerse consumers in River Island’s world.




New content direction leading to meaningful engagement and a fresh positioning.

The integrated strategy has been building credibility and differentiation through a narrative twist on River Island’s channels – through organic content that leads to impact on awareness, engagement and consideration, positively building up on brand perception. Along with engaging the community and beyond, the new content direction also sparked real conversation drivers – authentically introducing audiences to the outfits’ styles and versatility. Through technological applications, such as CGI, our team has helped reinforce the brand’s position as a reference in the fashion industry also in strategic moments – such as Mother’s Day, with over 330K users reached and over 799K views gathered in less than a month of work.

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